The PTO proudly supports in-school activities on Early Release Days!
Come join us for a movie with friends and snacks!
Date: Thursday, November 21st from 12:40 - 2:30pm
Location: Baker School Auditorium
Cost: $7 per child, includes the movie, one snack and one bottle of water.
Movie: IF
Extra snacks and water will be for sale throughout the movie for $1 each.
If your child attends Extended Day and will attend the movie, please alert the Extended Day program. Kindergarteners and 1st graders will be walked from their classes to the movie by PTO volunteers and must have a parent pick them up at 2:30pm.
K-1 students cannot be released to older siblings. They can only be released to an authorized adult. Please let your K-1 teacher know if your child is attending the movie.
Location: Baker School Auditorium
Cost: $7 per child, includes the movie, one snack and one bottle of water.
Movie: IF
Extra snacks and water will be for sale throughout the movie for $1 each.
If your child attends Extended Day and will attend the movie, please alert the Extended Day program. Kindergarteners and 1st graders will be walked from their classes to the movie by PTO volunteers and must have a parent pick them up at 2:30pm.
K-1 students cannot be released to older siblings. They can only be released to an authorized adult. Please let your K-1 teacher know if your child is attending the movie.