Instructions for Teacher & Staff Reimbursement Form
You may use one form for all of your receipts. Please make sure you are submitting receipts or invoices, not delivery confirmation emails. Total all invoices and receipts submitted, and include that amount on the form. Submitting all of your receipts together allows us to give you one check.
Classrooms teachers can submit up to $200 and specialists up to $150 (prorated based on your FTE). NEW classroom teachers to Baker School and new classroom teachers to their grade level are offered additional money. Please see Grants How-to for more information.
Please allow ten (10) business days from Treasurer’s receipt of this form until you receive your reimbursement check in your mailbox. If you prefer to have your reimbursement mailed to your home address you may enter that information on the form.
In addition to filling out this form electronically (or in place of submitting it electronically), please also print out the below reimbursement form and place in an envelope titled "Reimbursements" along with all invoices/receipts, which then can be put in the PTO mailbox in the office.
Please submit all receipts by June 2, 2024. If you anticipate any purchases after June 1, please contact the PTO at [email protected].
Questions? Please contact PTO Treasurer with any questions or clarifications regarding this form.