This section contains forms that you will need to submit reimbursement request or have grant idea requesting for approval.
Reimbursement Forms are as follows:
Parent Volunteer Reimbursement Form
To be filled out by parent/guardian who paid expense(s) for PTO events in advance and requesting for reimbursement. Teacher & Staff Reimbursement Form To be filled out by Baker teachers or staff for beginning of the year expenses and/or any other expense incurred during the year. This also includes “approved by the PTO Board or PTO Grant Committee. |
Grant Forms are as follows:Grade Level or Specialist Grants Request Form
To be filled out by Baker homeroom teacher or specialist who would like to request funding to support grade level activity. Art Council Grant Request Form To be filled out by Baker educator requesting for funding in the art council areas. Student Activity/Club Grant Request Form To be filled out by Baker educator requesting funding for specific student activity or club The forms will be forwarded to the appropriate committee for review. An email will be sent once approved by the committee. The educator can submit the reimbursement request along with the receipt using the Teacher & Staff Reimbursement Form above for reimbursement. |