Baker School PTO Meeting Minutes - March 21, 2013
Board members in attendance: Kristin Jones, Kerrianne Ciccone, Ginny Friedman, Sarah Jeong
Board members in attendance: Kristin Jones, Kerrianne Ciccone, Ginny Friedman, Sarah Jeong
- The attendees voted on funding a new laptop cart, containing 24 mac laptops. The funds are made available immediately while we continue to fundraise. We raised about 13,000 from the auction to go towards the purchase. We still have to raise about 15,000.
- The attendees voted to support the all Brookline Track Meet for 5-8 graders. Our PTO will be contributing $1000 to the overall cost of the meet this year. The cost is a little less than $8000. This event is usually funded by the district however due to budget cuts this year it was going to be cancelled. The track meet is officially on now that many of the participating schools families and pto groups have contributed. The total amount of funds have been raised as of March 21st.
- The current PTO budget was discussed. The teachers have been utilizing the new system of $1000 dedicated to each grade. The PTO is happy to see this process seems to be working and we have contributed across almost all grades at this point. Overall, we have spent about 19,000 of our $42,000 budget so far.
- We are planning a cultural event for the spring. It will include food, games and activities to represent the many cultures of our school. If you are interested in participating please contact Sarah Jeong at [email protected]
- To read a summary of how teachers have used the PTO grant money this year Click Here.