Edith C. Baker School PTO
Meeting Minutes
October 21st, 2015, 7:00pm
Baker School Library
The PTO president, Emily Engeland, called the meeting to order at 7:00pm.
Board members in attendance were: Emily Engeland, Caroline O’Brien, Julie Schriener-Oldham, Tim Sullivan, Carolyn Thall
1) Fundraising Update: Last year was the best fundraising year ever. This year’s goal is approximately $50,000. $7,000 is being moved from the Tom Cavanaugh Fund to the general ‘rainy day’ fund. Spending to date was reviewed.
2) Fundraising Plans: New initiatives will include T-shirts and Flocking. Repeating initiatives will include Dining For Dollars, Picture Day, Book Fair, Early Release Day Movies, Book Fair, Halloween Party.
3) Approval of Minutes
The minutes from the PTO’s June, 2015 meeting were approved.
4) Line item adjustment: $250 should be moved from Kindergarten grade level funding to General Fund because budget planned for five K sections and there are only four. This move was approved.
4) Brookline Educators Union Contract Negotiations: Baker teachers Leslie Tomion and Susan Balough discussed ongoing contract talks with the School Committee. Teachers have been without a contract since August. Teachers are being asked to increase their non-instructional time (data collection and reporting); this is an area of frustration for teachers.
5) Understanding Our Differences Program: Jen Brinkerhoff is heading up the UOD this year and will be looking for many volunteers for 4th Grade classrooms.
6) Q&A with Principal Mary Brown and Vice Principal Josh Howe: Several parents asked about new rules restricting access to directory/class list information. Admin responded there was nothing they could do. New Baker initiatives this year include more Landmark work and more Response to Intervention (RTI), including using RTI model for ECS (Enrichment and Challenge Support) program.
Minutes respectfully submitted by Carolyn Thall, PTO secretary.
Meeting Minutes
October 21st, 2015, 7:00pm
Baker School Library
The PTO president, Emily Engeland, called the meeting to order at 7:00pm.
Board members in attendance were: Emily Engeland, Caroline O’Brien, Julie Schriener-Oldham, Tim Sullivan, Carolyn Thall
1) Fundraising Update: Last year was the best fundraising year ever. This year’s goal is approximately $50,000. $7,000 is being moved from the Tom Cavanaugh Fund to the general ‘rainy day’ fund. Spending to date was reviewed.
2) Fundraising Plans: New initiatives will include T-shirts and Flocking. Repeating initiatives will include Dining For Dollars, Picture Day, Book Fair, Early Release Day Movies, Book Fair, Halloween Party.
3) Approval of Minutes
The minutes from the PTO’s June, 2015 meeting were approved.
4) Line item adjustment: $250 should be moved from Kindergarten grade level funding to General Fund because budget planned for five K sections and there are only four. This move was approved.
4) Brookline Educators Union Contract Negotiations: Baker teachers Leslie Tomion and Susan Balough discussed ongoing contract talks with the School Committee. Teachers have been without a contract since August. Teachers are being asked to increase their non-instructional time (data collection and reporting); this is an area of frustration for teachers.
5) Understanding Our Differences Program: Jen Brinkerhoff is heading up the UOD this year and will be looking for many volunteers for 4th Grade classrooms.
6) Q&A with Principal Mary Brown and Vice Principal Josh Howe: Several parents asked about new rules restricting access to directory/class list information. Admin responded there was nothing they could do. New Baker initiatives this year include more Landmark work and more Response to Intervention (RTI), including using RTI model for ECS (Enrichment and Challenge Support) program.
Minutes respectfully submitted by Carolyn Thall, PTO secretary.